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2006-12-23 - 12:30 p.m.

Just for the record, after delaying my departure until noon waiting for DHL for the SECOND day in a row, no delivery. And not even any new notation on the on-line tracking form. So not only is the holiday-part-time-illegal-alien-truck-driver a liar, so is the DHL customer service person. So now DHL joins the crowd of MCI, Cingular, Nestle, Monsanto, Enron, WorldCom, et al, that are not only bad companies, but actually criminal (may they go down in flames and with a CEO's heart attack--these people have raped the public enough). As for MacConnection, I wrote them and said that while none of this is their fault, the competence and veracity of their chosen delivery carrier is an on-line retailer's life blood. (P.S. Did I ever tell you the story of how I caused an import/export agency to lose the entire Volvo and SAAB Los Angeles automobile shipping accounts? That's a good story that I may tell one day. Just thinking about it suddenly makes me feel good again!) When that package comes back to them (as it most likely will), I don't want them cancelling my order, I want them sending it back out to me, but to my work address. Which means that I won't be getting this item until after January 2, if I get it at all.

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